Dr Murugappan
Dr. Murugappan is an advocate of value translation and worked with multinational corporations (MNCs) from diverse sectors as well as the public sector with a career span of 30 years to date.
Became a researcher, thinker, teacher, and guide by choice. Continuously polishing the leadership traits in him. A lifelong learner, having specific interest in digital leadership, evidence-based management (EBM), people analytics, total rewards strategy, human capital financial statement, project management and process improvement.
Authored and published a book and articles in academic and industry journals. He is appointed to few Industry Advisory Panel in local public and private universities namely APU, UTM, IMU for their undergraduate and postgraduate programs. Pro-bono works with underprivileged children, youths and NGOs specifically focusing on young talent development and embracing a thinking mindset.
His current work attempts to look at leadership through the eyes and expectations of investors in this digital age. This is supported by his research findings through the Digital Transformation Leadership Black Box (DTLBB).