The Leaders Council

The Leaders Council Summit

Leaders Council Summit | 25 & 26 September 2024 | Kuala Lumpur

Leaders Council Summit

Elevate Corporate Leadership Engagement

Early Bird RM2,600
100% HRDF Claimable

About The Summit

The Leaders Council Summit, themed “Navigating a Disrupted Future”, is designed to help business leaders chart a course for success in the years ahead.

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, it is crucial for organisations to develop a deep understanding of the current economic climate and anticipate what the future holds.

Businesses need to embrace digitalisation and emerging technology, while ensuring their assets are safe from cyber threat. At the same time, by adopting workplace diversity and inclusion, organisations can support business expansion and innovation. Net zero, social and governance aspirations must also be considered to allow organisations to align with national and global goals.

At the summit, corporate leaders will engage with industry peers, subject matter experts, and like minded professionals to exchange ideas and insights. Together, leaders will explore innovative solutions and strategies that will help their organisations thrive in the ever-changing business landscape.

Target Attendees

Chief Executives Officers

Chief Operating Officers

Chief Financial Officers

Senior Vice Presidents and Directors (Operations and Finance)

Public Listed Companies

Multinational Corporations


Programme Schedule

Day 1

0900 – 1000

Opening and Keynote Address

1000 – 1030

Coffee Break

1030 – 1200

Executive Panel Session

The Economics of Uncertainty What to Prepare for in 2025

1200 – 1330

Networking Luncheon

1330 – 1500

Panel Session 1
Overcoming Supply Chain Disruptions Through Organisational Finesse and Resilience 

1500 – 1530

Coffee Break

1530 – 1700

Panel Session 2
Adapting to Rapid Technology Changes and Innovations

1700 – 1830

Summit Reception

Day 2


Opening Keynote Address:

0900 – 1030

Panel Session 3
Excelling in Corporate Sustainability and ESG Commitments

1030 – 1100

Coffee Break

1100 – 1230

Panel Session 4
Post Digital Transformation: Optimising Operations and Leveraging Data While Thriving on Innovation & Agility

  • Tindaro Danze, President & Chief Executive Officer, Siemens Malaysia
  • Kenneth Siow, Regional Director, Tencent Cloud Southeast Asia & General Manager (Singapore & Malaysia)
  • Chari TVT, Independent Board Member & Chairman of The Board Governance & Risk Committee, UEM Sunrise Berhad
  • Anwar Syahrin Abdul Ajib, Managing Director & Group Chief Executive Officer, Malakoff Corporation Berhad

1230 – 1400

Networking Luncheon

1400 – 1530

Panel Session 5
Global Dilemma Unraveled – Mastering Vital Trade and Export Challenges

1530 – 1600

Coffee Break

1600 – 1730

Panel Session 6
Achieving Diversity and Inclusivity: Board and Talent

1730 – 1740

Summit Closing

Early Bird Savings RM 2,600 per pax

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